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Agritourism Intensive 2013 - 2014

Agritourism Intensive 2013 - 2014

The "Agritourism Intensive" classes, offered in Ventura, Monterey and Riverside Counties, were three-session agritourism planning courses offered by UC Cooperative Extension, the UC Small Farm Program and local partners for farmers and ranchers starting or growing their agritourism or nature tourism enterprises.

Participants learned about the variety of potential businesses, including farm stands, U-Pick operations, event hosting, tours, festivals and outdoor recreation. Each participant received a free copy of “Agritourism and Nature Tourism in California." The handbook, published by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources, was used as the text for the class. Attendees heard from experienced agritourism operators and experts in business planning, risk management, regulatory compliance and marketing. Class instructors provide individual guidance and help participants form a supportive network as they plan and develop their own agritourism or nature tourism businesses.

Ventura class agenda        Ventura class flyer

Monterey class agenda      Monterey class flyer

Riverside class agenda       Riverside class flyer

For more Information:  Penny Leff, UCCE Agritourism Coordinator, paleff@ucdavis.edu, 530-752-7779

Funding for this project was provided by the Washington State University Western Center for Risk Management Education, the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).

First Class Session:

Handouts: These were printed and passed out to class participants.

First class Presentations:

Handouts and Presentations, Second Class: 

Handouts and Presentations, Third Class: